Tuesday, September 23, 2008

kebosanan melampau..

adus...semenjak 2-3 hari ni, rasa bosan ja lah. hari ni terpaksa escape kelas Evidence.

9.30am, crossed the border, pi Bellingham, USA. At 1st, just to check mailbox & pi Bank of America di Sumas but then since already passed the Immigration post, jalan trus pi shopping di Bellingham.

I went to Linen & Things & bought myself a back & shoulder massager. Ni sejak pregnant, badan kdg2 rasa sengal2 ja. so dgn adanya massager ni, hubby pun boleh rilex. Usually hubby rajin massage me every nite, but recently kesian jugalah dgn hubby. Dah penat kerja di ofis, biarlah dia rilex bila balik rumah kan. Someday, I'll upload the massager photo here.

Then, i went to Bellis Fair Shopping Mall, jalan2 cari makan. It was already 12pm. I was in hurry, just tapau lunch & drove back to Canada. Apakan daya, there was road construction on the way home, then at the border have to q to pay Canadian tax. By the time i fully crossed the border again, it was already 1 something p.m.

Calculated lah x cukup masa to reach UBC on time for 2 pm class, so just turned East, back to Chilliwack. But on the way home, sempat tu singgah di Tyme Maternity store. Beli lagi 2 pasang maternity blouse yg ada gaya & style sikit hehehe..

Now, at 7pm home alone - rasa bosan yg teramat sgt! Lucky lah the baby is actively moving, reminds me that i'm not totally home alone LOL.

Hubby always come home late from his office. Cant hardly wait to have this baby around so i'll have someone with me at home while hubby is busy working :D

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