Monday, December 1, 2008

me at 6mth & 7th mth of pregnancy

These are 2 of prego photos: 1st one was taken in 6th mth prego and 2nd was taken today at 7th months (going 8th).


Anonymous said...

you look so lovely during pregnacy

Jacquemm said...

thnaks Nisa :D

Anonymous said...

wuhooo...showing off nampak, now u look fatter than me, the only different is there's a baby inside your tummy, my tummy got lemaks only hehehe...alamak maybe aku cepatkan sikitlah dtg tgk ko yg dah gemuk ni, bukan senang nak tgk jc gemuk ni hehe

Jacquemm said...

hahaha jenis 'gemuk' ke depan ni, mmg bukan selalu dpt tengok :D bah, bila ko mo dtg sabah? suda boking tiket kah ko ni atau asyik2 setakat plan ja hehehe