Thursday, December 4, 2008

Belly button during prego

Last nite, i realized that belly button is almost sticking out! hehehe no wonder there was on & off pain in my belly button for several days before. Then today, i received an e-mail from, an article "How Pregnancy Changes Your Belly Button" by Robin Elise.

1 of the Q, answered my curiousity regarding the pain in the belly button. So just read:

Okay, it may sound downright silly to devote a whole article to the pregnant belly button - but I get a lot of mail on this topic! So here are the answers to some of the most popular questions about the belly button of a pregnant woman.

Q. I have my navel pierced. Do I have to take the belly button ring out during pregnancy? If so, when?

A. I've had several clients who had their navels pierced prior to becoming pregnant. They have each made different decisions regarding the ring during pregnancy. I have had some people choose to remove it at their practitioners request, though no medical reason was stated, ask your practitioner what is right for you. Some choose to leave it until their bellies got larger and then removed it. A few were forced to remove it as it became uncomfortable at the very end of pregnancy as their abdomens were stretched tautly causing a pulling sensation.

And then I've also had some who left it in the whole time with never a care.

Q. Why is my belly button sticking out?

A. Even if you've been an "inny" all of your life, during pregnancy the expansion of your abdomen can cause you to be an "outy." There isn't much you can do about this temporary condition, except to cover it with clothing. Some women have taped something over it to create a more flat appearance under their clothing. You should also have your practitioner check it out to ensure you don't have a hernia.
Will my bellybutton pop out?

Q. Is it normal to have a flat belly button?

A. Yes, as your stomach expands with the baby, you may notice that your belly button becomes flat and taut against your skin. This is normal and will revert back to your normal belly button once your baby is born.

Q. I have a pain inside my belly button. What causes this?

A. This can be caused from the stretching of the skin on your abdomen or it can a muscular issue. Always report pain to your doctor or midwife.

Q. My belly and belly button are itchy. Should I be concerned?

A. As the skin stretches it may become irritated and itchy. Try keeping it well hydrated with your favorite lotion for some relief.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

midwife appointment

today i went to Abbotsford for my bi-weekly appointment with the midwife. This time, hubby was not coming, so i drove myself.

As usual my blood pressure is good and no other problem ;) I've gained another 2 1/2 pounds, and the midwife said it's really ok as i only gained about 20 pounds since the 1st appointment.

We heard the baby's heartbeat and it was good too -160 beats/min. Caroline (the midwife) measured my tummy - 31cm. The baby's head is already down toward my pelvic and hopefully everything continues being fine throughout the pregnancy.

I dont have any strect-mark yet and no edema (swollen leg/hand/face) too. From the midwife office, i went to the Seven Oak West Mall in Abbotsford - just checking out the Linen & Things store which is now on 'going out of business' deal.

Yea..the store is now 50% empty - most stuffs were gone. I bought 2 huricane glass for my candles. 1 was 75% off and the other was 25% off.

From Linen & Things, i went to the Thyme Maternity store. Bought 2 pairs of nursing PJs, 1 t-shirt and 1 blouse.

In the evening, i called my mum and my sister. We talked about many stuff, laughed and irritated with some news. Then i talked with 2 of my brothers too.

For supper, i cooked mushroom soup for hubby and mixed vegetable tom-yam & rice for myself. then ate tofu almond as dessert, to neutralize the acid LOL...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Craving of 'sayur manis'?

I was craving sayur manis for sometime ago...where to find sayur manis in Canada??

Then 2-3 weeks ago, on the way from UBC to home - i drop by at a Vietnamese market in Abbotsford. As i walked in, i saw....fresh durian!!! Then i saw rambutan.

I was looking for eggplant at the vegie section, passed by this green bag- didnt really look at it 1st. then i pass by again, out of curiousity, i grab a bag of it and look at it carefully.

To my amazement, it was "sayur manis"!!!! i was like - wah! where this come from? So i asked the seller, and she said it came directly from Vietnam! Hahaha what a blessed day for me!

Another amusement, i saw bunch of sugar cane/tebu! Sell for $2 each - yeah, i was thinking how this stuff is really free in my mum's house hahaha didn't think much about it so i bought a durian for $22, sugar cane $2, a bag of sayur manis $2.99, rambutan & few other stuff. Spent about $44 in this market.

Mind me; buying Asian groceries in Western countries like Canada is really expensive. I feel like i'm buying luxury stuff - well, it is an imported stuff for Westerner over this side of the world anyway! Just cant wait to go home, balik kampung, makan kangkung hehehe

Once i got home in Chilliwack, i finished eating the durian 1st by myself - nothing left except the kulit & biji only, then i ate rice with sayur manis & chili sardine! wonder gained soo much weight all of sudden hahaha

Ms. Kitty

Ms. Kitty is a cat that owned our neighbourhood ;) She come and go as she wishes but yea, it depends whether you're willing to take her in or not.

Ms. Kitty took months to put her trust on us - since last month ( i guess due to the cold weather), she decided to brave herself to come into our house whenever we open the door.

She will stay at nite indoor, but when she wanted to make 'big business', she will wake up us to let her out! smart as my cats in Sabah hehehe...Ms. Kitty reminds me a lots with Sampapas (my Sabahan black & white cat) and Budding (my 3 colors cat).

Ms. Kitty now know how to get our attention if she want to be 'in'. If she heard we're at the kitchen, she will climb up the railing & 'meow' or she will hanging at the kitchen window, right in front of the sink.

Let see these photos:

me at 6mth & 7th mth of pregnancy

These are 2 of prego photos: 1st one was taken in 6th mth prego and 2nd was taken today at 7th months (going 8th).

Fetal Development at 30th weeks

Yesterday, i felt a bit stress - so i listen to the Lullabies baby hymnal. As i sang, baby was dancing in my belly too!! She was giving response to my singing voice :D

But then mum (in-law) called, baby kicked for little while then quite again - maybe not interested with my conversation with mum hehehe

so what happen during week 30th of pregnancy?

How your baby's growing:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

How your life's changing:
You may be feeling a little tired these days, especially if you're having trouble sleeping. You might also feel clumsier than normal, which is perfectly understandable. Not only are you heavier, but the concentration of weight in your pregnant belly causes a shift in your center of gravity. Plus, thanks to hormonal changes, your ligaments are more lax, so your joints are looser, which may also contribute to your balance being a bit off. Also, this relaxation of your ligaments can actually cause your feet to spread permanently, so you may have to invest in some new shoes in a bigger size.

Yeah..last nite i couldn't sleep - so i studied my Advanced Criminal Law til 4.11 am. Then i've to force myself to sleep...

Remember those mood swings you had earlier in pregnancy? The combination of uncomfortable symptoms and hormonal changes can result in a return of those emotional ups and downs. It's normal to worry about what your labor will be like or whether you'll be a good parent. But if you can't shake the blues or feel increasingly irritable or agitated, talk to your doctor or midwife. You may be among the 1 in 10 expectant women who battle depression during pregnancy.

Sometimes i do feel irritating - when i feel so, i let hubby know so he wont be hurt :) but most of the time, I'm happy-go-lucky still :D